Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Rage  Gentle Murders  Carved In Stone  
 2. Herr K  Histories InfoMix [Introduction, The Man of the Crowd, The Murders in the Rue Morgue [Murders], The Murders in the Rue Morgue [Analysis], The Devil in the Belfry, The Fall of the House of Usher, A Des  ***Info Mix for the album 'Histories'*** 
 3. Herr K  Histories InfoMix [Introduction, The Man of the Crowd, The Murders in the Rue Morgue [Murders], The Murders in the Rue Morgue [Analysis], The Devil in the Belfry, The Fall of the House of Usher, A Des  ***Info Mix for the album 'Histories'*** 
 4. Bulldog Drummond  Claim Check Murders Aka Atomic Murders  1947-01-17 (0282) 
 5. Herr K  The Murders in the Rue Morgue [Murders]  Histories [Soundtracks to the works of Edgar Poe] 
 6. Chick Carter, Boy Detective  $20 Murders  Xxxx-Xx-Xx (Xxxx) 
 7. Tri Continental  Scarecrow Murders  Tri Continental 
 8. Cdatakill  Fucking Murders  Paradise / Paradisi 
 9. Tri Continental  Scarecrow Murders  Tri Continental 
 10. William X. Kienzle  The Rosary Murders  - 
 11. Dragnet  Roseland Murders  December 12, 1949 
 12. William X. Kienzle  The Rosary Murders  - 
 13. In Flames  Murders in the Rue Morgue  Made in Tribute - A Tribute to Iron Maiden   
 14. Agent 94  Murders In The Rue Morgue  (LP) 
 15. Dianne Day  The Bohemian Murders   
 16. Trevor Jones  Whitechapel Murders  From Hell 
 17. Agent 94  Murders In The Rue Morgue  (LP) 
 18. Agent 94  Murders In The Rue Morgue  (LP) 
 19. Iron Maiden  Murders In The Rue Morgue  Killers   
 20. Glyn Carr  The Youth Hostel Murders   
 21. FreeOTRShows.com - Dragnet  The Roseland Roof Murders  FreeOTRShows.com 
 22. CBS Radio Mystery Theater  750110, The Murders In the Rue Morgue  CBSRMT-1975 
 23. San Gabriel Valley Tribune Staff Writer  Clues dry up in 3 Monrovia murders  San Gabriel Valley Tribune 
 24. Hijackalope  Michigan is For Serial Murders  Dark Side B's 
 25. The New York Times  1888-10-06 The Murders in London  Historical Newspaper Articles, Volume 1 
 26. Cdatakill  Fucking Murders (excerpt)  Paradise / Paradisi 
 27. Hijackalope  Michigan is For Serial Murders  Dark Side B's 
 28. Whittier Daily News Staff Writer  Clues dry up in 3 Monrovia murders  Whittier Daily News 
 29. Robert Van Gulik  The Chinese Bell Murders   
 30. Whittier Daily News Staff Writer  Clues dry up in 3 Monrovia murders  Whittier Daily News 
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